Approaching a difficult
situation Mindfully

Cultivating a Wise Mind ~ Journaling ~
In-depth journaling sheets to approach a difficult situation mindfully. Tap into the strength of your Rational Mind, the deeper information of your Emotional Mind, then use your Wise Mind to come to a balanced decision.
- Stress, tension, lousy sleep
- No overview, lack of focus, low productivity
- Less genuine contact with the people around you
Solution through Mindfulness
- Out of your mind and into your body (through the body scan), making your body more relaxed.
- 3-min breathing exercise, which calms you down and improves focus and productivity
- 20-40 minutes of meditations, with which you train your brain in 8 weeks to be generally in a calmer state of 'being', more present and in contact with your environment.
We cannot avoid stressful situations.
But Mindfulness can help us change our inner attitude towards stress and tension.
Mindfulness encourages us to accept the experience,
gently shift our focus away from problems,
and become aware of options.
Choose a MBSR & Emotions Training
(MBSR = Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Scientifically proven stress reduction after 8 weeks of mindfulness training
General Info Group Training MBSR & Emotions:
MBSR & Emotions Training is a stress reduction training focused on dealing with difficult emotions or not feeling emotions.
Duration training: 8 sessions in 8 weeks and an optional silent Sunday day.
Length sessions: 2 hours
Where: Dutch classes in-person in Amsterdam. English classes live online through Zoom (we meet weekly on Zoom)
Group size: max 12 participants
Costs: EUR 450 p.p. (Many Dutch Health Insurers reimburse the training up to EUR 350, check the list here.)
Wed 7 February '24
(Dutch Group in-person)
7, 14, 28 February '24
6, 13, 20, 27 March '24
3 April '24
Optional Silent Day:
Sunday 24 March '24 from 10 am-3 pm
English Group
Please contact me for options on
Wed 8 May '24
(Dutch Group in-person)
8, 15, 22, 29 May '24
5, 19, 26 June '24
3 July '24
Optional Silent Day:
Sunday 23 June '24 from 10 am-3 pm
Other day for a Dutch group
Please contact me for options on
Former international arbitration lawyer at two of the Netherlands top law firms in Rotterdam/Amsterdam. Mindfulness Trainer since 2013.
I lived in Asia of and on for about five years and trained intensively in yoga and meditation. The Thai Buddhist monasteries left the deepest impression on me. There, I followed long Vipassana silent meditation retreats (6 months in total). These have brought me deep insight and a feeling of reassurance about life. I can wholeheartedly recommend it!
But you do not necessarily have to go to Thailand. I am back in the Netherlands, teaching people through mindfulness how to create more inner peace at home and at work. :-)
Participants' Feedback (sorry in Dutch):
Ik vind het een hele fijne cursus. Mooie uitdagingen en inzichten voor mezelf om te ontdekken en leren omgaan met ingebouwde routines en oordelen.
(3 jaar na de cursus:) De mooie verschillende tools die je meekrijgt helpen mij nog steeds in stress- momenten. Ze zijn een onderdeel van mijn dagelijks leven geworden.
Anja ●
Ik merk dat ik me bewuster ben als ik niet ontspannen ben. Als ik het opmerk kan ik mijn houding aanpassen en een meer ontspannen houding aannemen en daarmee meteen meer in het moment blijven. Dat voelt heel fijn.
Jouw manier van lesgeven vond ik heel fijn, je rustige fijne open houding was heel prettig.
Jennifer ●
Knap hoe je blanco/ zonder oordeel op elke vraag en opmerking heel geduldig in kunt gaan.
Mooi om te zien dat deze MBSR opleiding ook heel goed online te volgen is. Je fijne stem helpt daarbij!
Mariette ●
Why The Name ‘Loving Awareness’?
When you start meditating you start seeing yourself and the world around you more clearly.
When you start seeing more clearly, you start seeing your own and other people’s flaws more clearly as well.
That can be quite painful...
To keep your view of the world bearable, it helps to see things in a loving way.
Hence the huge emphasis in Buddhism on the Metta Meditation, which is a loving-kindness meditation.
How can I help you?
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Tel: +31-6-28671647